What's Your Next Step After High School? - Eagle Air Academy

What’s Your Next Step After High School?

Have you ever thought about what causes unemployment? Why do we have such a massive number of college and higher institution graduates who are unable to find a job?
A man standing with multiple doors in front of him, all covered with signs that lead to different professions.

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Do you think about your next step after High School?

Have you ever thought about what causes unemployment?

Why do we have such a massive number of college and higher institution graduates who are unable to find a job?

There are many reasons that we’re going to explore here.

  • The labor market gap in demand and supply is the biggest contributing factor in the unemployment rate.
  • The bigger the difference is between available job opportunities and the number of applicants, the higher the unemployment rate becomes.
  • The labor market and educational system are incompatible: the labor market does not need what you’ve studied in college. So, the result is an unqualified graduate who fails to find a job, unless your study has combined both the theoretical and practical knowledge of a particular discipline, such as the study of aviation.
  • There are no opportunities that suit your qualifications and level of education; the requirements of many job openings exceed your educational expertise.
  • Competition for good job opportunities is growing.
  • There is also a type of unemployment called “voluntary unemployment” that occurs when a worker decides to leave a job because it’s no longer financially fulfilling.

Most probably, you’ll face these obstacles when you follow the regular route for finding a job, so do you want to join millions of unemployed graduates?

5 paths to take after high school and college is not one of them:

1. Turn your hobby into a job:

Can you use your hobby to earn some money?

Yes, you can.

If you have a specific hobby, you may invest some time in developing this hobby into a job. Hobbies may include painting, playing music, programming, marketing, and even cooking; all can become a job.

If you can do what you’re passionate about and earn money, you’ll never have to feel like you’re working.

One of the most effective means to practice and develop your hobby is volunteering. How can you do that?
Voluntary work is a perfect way to explore more about who you are and what you want to do later in life; it’s what can give you a chance to put your hobby into practice effectively.

You may volunteer either domestically or take part in one of those programs that offer travel opportunities. Voluntary work will help you acquire new skills, grow your network, and focus your energy.

2. Go to the labor Market:

If you’re not sure about what you want to study after high school, going to the labor market for a while can be a good option. During this period, you can save some money, earn work experience, and have a better sense of what kind of workplace environment that you prefer.

You may also consider taking on freelance work through the internet. Now, you might be asking: Can I use the internet to earn money?

Yes, you can earn a lot of money from working on the internet.

Many websites give you the opportunity to offer your services to its clients and pay you for these services. If you’re good at programming, design, editing, translation, or anything else, you can create an account on any freelancing platforms.

These include Arabic platforms such as Mostaql and Khamsat and English platforms such as Fiverr and Freelancer.

All you have to do is to create an account, demonstrate your skills, and make a suitable proposal for the client. Once you get the client’s acceptance, you can start working right away.

3. Start a private business:

Many business owners have earned their experience outside of school.

You may have a brilliant idea about a new product or a new service that you can offer to the market. You can launch your full-time entrepreneurial project campaign or take part in one of the programs that aim at empowering young entrepreneurs.

Programs like: Flat6labs – Injaz – TIEC – VentureLab – Tenmou – Badir – i360 accelerator – TURN8 – UniVenture – Arabreneur

This path shall enable you to know whether you can achieve your dreams and figure out what you genuinely want to do.

4. Seek out a scholarship:

Listing one or more scholarships on your resume can give you an edge over other applicants and make you more attractive for prospective employers.

You can apply for scholarships such as: The German DAAD Scholarship and The British Chevening Scholarship.

Many organizations can also fund your study such as Sawiris Foundation for Social Development – Al Alfi Foundation for human development – Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation

Also, some scholarship programs may give you a chance to gain a particular set of skills.

In addition, acquire field expertise through joining an internship program in a specific company. Companies that offer internship programs usually give a priority for their previous interns over other candidates.
Plus, they may make them job offers right after completing the internship.

Despite the fact that a scholarship doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll get a job offer, it can pave the way for you to get a job in the same industry or the same field.

5. Travel abroad:

If you’re overwhelmed with the idea of following your passion and traveling abroad to explore some other parts of the universe, then traveling to foreign countries is a great way to get to know different cultures, meet new people, learn more about yourself, and gain more knowledge.

When you think about what you should do after high school, you may think you have only two alternatives: travel or work. However, there is an option after finishing High School that combines both, which is the study of aviation.

When you become a pilot, you’ll be able to achieve your dream to work in the aviation field, and travel becomes part of your job.

You can pursue your dream by applying to one of the best nearby aviation schools to become the future pilot you dream about being.

Regardless of which route you’re going to take, you can always change your plans in the future. Never get stressed about the decision you’re going to make as there will always be room for change in the future.